Thursday, June 23, 2005

Happy One Year!

Mike and I finally hit our first wedding anniversary (this Sunday). I have to say that this has been one of the best of the close to 7 years that we have been together. So, in honor of our anniversary, I have made a list of reasons that I know I definitely married the right person:

1) We agree on all the major decisions in our marriage: to skip over the healthy food at the store first and go straight to the junk food, the importance of jumping over the foot board like Tarzan before getting into bed, and what our answering machine message will say...I mean, payments, ways to save money, yada yada yada...
2) We can have an entire conversation in "snort" and know exactly what the other is saying.
3) I can wake him up on Sunday mornings by bursting into the song, "Good morning, good morning, good morning, it's time to rise and shine!" and he doesn't throw pillows at me (though I am sure the thought has crossed his mind MANY times.
4) He can rev up his engine at a signal light with the impression that he is going to race the dude in the Mustang next to us, but I know he's really just trying to get the Mustang all rialed up to go, then will laugh as the Mustang speeds off to race and we just take off at our normal speed.
5) He understands my need to buy movies and shoes, while I understand his need to buy stuff for his car...even if neither one of us needs it.
6) We both know that there is a time to be serious, but it's usually not very often--the more silliness, the better. There is never a dull moment in our home.

Well, it's all down hill from here. ;) Yeehaw. Woo hoo. Snort.


April said...

This post made me smile and look forward to such things myself. :) Congratulations!

doug said...

Happy Anniversery!!!!!! Hard to believe it has already been a year. Seems like only a month ago Mike and I was stealing the chocolate cover strawberrys while we were setting things up.

Anonymous said...

You sure know how to make things witty and fun! Glad your marriage is that way as well. For those of you that don't know Amy...She wasn't kidding about #1!!! You both are too cute! Congratulations one ONE YEAR!!
Love ya!