Monday, April 25, 2005

A sport still unconquered

I am a weinie. I stink at basketball, and I know it. But yesterday something happened that has NEVER (in all my recollection of my 24 years of living) happened before...I.Got.Picked.First!!! Nevermind that the reason I got picked first was b/c the team captain's were picking each other's teams for them. Nothing else matters. I got picked first!

I'm pretty sure the only thing that I was allowed to do was check the ball after the other team made a score--probably b/c that was the only thing I could do and not screw things up for the team (although I did screw it up once and gave the ball to my sister, who was on the other team, when I wasn't supposed to--it was strictly a miscommunication). My only assignment was to block Jeff, who was about my height. I failed many times. See, my problem is that I get easily distracted when I play something like basketball. I like to watch what's going on instead of thinking of my task of guarding the guy who has the ball. He sure gave me a run for my money too.

Several times I stepped to the side to get a drink--I can assure you, no one missed me. I even tried skipping around the court a few times to provide some excitement to my area of the game. I encouraged my teammates NOT to throw me the ball and for some reason THEY STILL DID!! I don't think they really comprehended just how lousy I am at basketball. They told me to shoot it. I shot it...and missed--Every.Stinkin.Time.

I got a little tan out of the whole thing and a good cardio workout, so I can't say as the game was entirely disappointing. I don't know who won b/c no one bothered to keep score. Just some good, energetic fun on a Sunday afternoon. I could do that more often.

Maybe they'll even pick me first again!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Amy, That was SO FUN! I hate it that I didn't get to talk to you very much though. I miss talking to you. Well I have a lot to tell so I will email you. Have a good day and always remember GOOD TIMES! They are the best!