Monday, February 07, 2005

I confess...I am addicted.

Hello. My name is Amy, and I am a TVholic. (Hi Amy.) It all started on Wednesday evening when I finally got my birthday gift from Mike in the mail: Dr Quinn Medicine Woman Season 1 DVDs. I was soooooo excited to start watching them, so we watched the pilot episode together Wednesday night. He, of course, was not very interested, but agreed to watch the first two episodes before making up his mind whether or not he liked the show. Turns out he wasn't all that interested in the show, so that gave me free reign to watch at my own pace...that was very dangerous of him. I was out-of-control! I watched 14 hours of Dr Quinn (the entire first season) in 5 days! I was so excited to continue the series, that I bid on Seasons 2 and 3 on eBay and won them. You have to understand that this was one of my favorite series when it was on television in the 90s. I loved it so much I vowed to name my future daughter Michaela after the leading lady of the show.

Saturday evening after I'd spent nearly 9 hours watching the show that day I realized that I had in fact become a TVholic. I sat on my couch with no makeup on, eyes burning from staring at the television, head pounding from the constant focus on the screen, tummy growling for lack of food the entire day (minus the Oatmeal Creme Pie I snacked on to tied me over until dinner), and I realized I was out of control. I was truly addicted. I was a complete mess, but I just had to watch one more episode. I ran out to the garage where Mike was changing the oil in his car and I told him I would start dinner after I watched one more episode. He chuckled at me, then smiled as I walked back inside to tend to my addiction. After dinner I decided that I would take a break from the show and by 10:00 I was starting to get that undeniable feeling that I had to watch just one more. So while Mike played on the internet, I sat once again in front of the screen and watched one of the last three episodes of the season.

After doing nothing but think, breathe, and feel Dr. Quinn for the entire day, I, of course, had dreams about the show that night. When I woke the next morning for church, I did well not to think about how I only had two episodes left. I actually admit that I went the entire morning without evening thinking about the show, a step of improvement for such an addiction. Once I got home from church after having lunch and doing a little shopping, I smiled as I looked at the clock and realized I had just enough time to finish off the last two episodes before church that evening.

As the credits rolled from the last episode I sat there dumbfounded and a little sad that my journey with season 1 had ended. As I let out a sigh, I turned to Mike and asked, "Now what am I going to watch?!" It was he that smiled and quietly reminded me that I had two more seasons in the mail and headed my way...what a wonderful husband to support such a petty and costly addiction. I love him dearly. If only he shared my sweet addiction for this show.

1 comment:

Jgirl said...

I was like that with the "Sex in the City" episodes. I kept running back to Blockbuster to get more!

Glad your husband is sweet enough to support your Dr. Quinn "addiction!" No withdrawals necessary.