Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Happy Groundhog Day!

February 2...just another ordinary day. EXCEPT, today is the day that everyone always makes useless chatter over whether or not Punxsutawney Phil sees his shadow. Everyone moaned as the top hat handler pulled the overweight piece of fur from his burrow and announced that there would be six more weeks of winter. What I don't understand is their method for determining more winter. If the groundhound sees his shadow, then that means the sun is out, so logically wouldn't that mean that spring will come early?!

And if I'm looking correctly at my calendar then there is a little over six more weeks of winter regardless of whether or not the overgrown chipmunk sees his shadowed friend. This year will make the 95th time that Phil has seen his shadow. He didn't see his shadow 14 times and there were 9 years that weren't recorded (according to I bet some interesting research would be to see how many times Mr. Punxsutawney predicted incorrectly.

In any case, I guess we should bundle up and get ready for another six weeks of winter. After all, the groundhog saw his shadow...he has to be right!


Look how cute he is. :) I think I'll rent "Groundhog Day" tonight.

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