On the radio this morning the DJs were talking about how American Airlines is considering removing the pillows from most of their flights (excluding the overseas flights) to cut costs in their budget. Of course since I travel a lot with my job, I listened intently to their conversation. Then I started thinking about those little white pillows and what this would actually mean...
First of all, to call them pillows is an overstatement--they are more like hairballs with fabric thrown over them, or an oversized marshmallow puff flatened out like a pancake. It seems like to get the full effect of using them you have to grab two or three to equal the size of one small pillow. And the only people that actually use the small puffs are those seated next to the window. Where will the middle man and the outside aisle man put the small cotton ball to serve its purpose?
Flights in general all seem to be about the same. You always end up sitting next to the most annoying person on the flight, whether it be the crying baby, the overly talkative business man who speaks of nothing but stocks and bonds, the kid who has done everything you have and more, the hypochondriac who has every sickness known to man and insists on breathing down your neck to ensure you receive some of the same ailments...I've sat next to them all. And as much of a people person as I am, sometimes I would just like a quiet, restful flight--is that too much to ask?
The last flight that I took, I happened to end up sitting in the emergency exit row. The stewardess began giving the instructions on what we should do in case of an emergency and told us to read the brochure in the backseat pocket, and let her know if we didn't think we were capable of handling this responsibility. I don't know what it was about what she said or the way she said it, but it struck me funny, so I chuckled to myself. She didn't find it funny at all and then preceded to embarass me in front of everyone, "This ISN'T a joke, MAM. If you can't handle the responsibility we will MOVE you.".....I KNOW this woman did NOT just say this to me, so I said the first thing that popped into my mind. "I wasn't LAUGHING at YOU, MAM. I KNOW it isn't a joke." I'm not a confrontational person, but I sure felt better afterwards. She snubbed me the rest of the flight, so whenever I wanted a drink or some extra peanuts, I had the teenage kid next to me get them for me. :) It was fun.
It should be another interesting flight when I go to Houston this weekend. Maybe for once I will have a quiet, restful flight where I can read my magazine and nap one last time on the little puffs of fluff before they take them away.
Thursday, February 24, 2005
Monday, February 21, 2005
Happy President's Day!
Happy President's Day to me! FINALLY, the long awaited date has been announced for the Dawson's Creek Season 5 DVDs to be released...this news has made my day! :)
Wednesday, February 16, 2005
The price we pay
The month of February is nearly gone and that means just around the corner is spring. I love spring! Flowers start to bloom, warm weather starts to creep in, the birds fly back, but most importantly....it means the end of flu season!!
I have done so well this winter about not getting sick and being defeated by the frickin flu, which is amazing considering every person in my department has had it. You know that feeling your body gets when you can feel it trying to creep opon you? The throat becomes just a little scratchy and your nose is a little runny and your body is just a teeny bit achey. That's when I start overdosing on Vitamin C and intoxicating my body with orange juice. That usually helps fight it off before it has a chance to surface.
I don't know why I thought I was lucky enough to have escaped the long-lasting plague that has been floating around our office. But I honestly thought I would make it this entire winter without being the recipient of such an annoying illness. I say annoying because most of the time when you have the flu you aren't throwing up, so its hard to use just burning eyes, throat, and body as a reason to stay home from work. So even though you are miserable you suck it up and work anyway. And by doing that, you make it worse, so by the third or fourth day you can barely walk because your body aches so bad and your eyes are burning like bacon in a frying pan and your throat is so swollen you can barely force the once appreciated Vitamin C and orange juice down it.
This morning I woke up and I realized that I had become its next victim. I had not escaped the attack of this dreadful fate and found it very difficult to get out of bed. I poured the Vitamin C down my throat wincing in pain as it slowly edged its way down my very red and very swollen scratchy throat. I hear my mom in the back of my head scolding me, "You need to gargle salt water, Amy. It will help heal your throat." I HATE gargling salt water--more so than taking any other pain medicine. I'm not entirely sure what it is about the salt water that I don't like...probably the overwhelming feeling that takes over me making me want to gag every time I spit out. Too much information, I know.
I thought I was doing everything possible to shield myself from the hands of the Flu Bug. Unfortunately for me, the Bug won the fight and continues to battle my body. I am hoping to rise up and overcome him quickly and enjoy my extra long weekend that is soon to arrive.
I have done so well this winter about not getting sick and being defeated by the frickin flu, which is amazing considering every person in my department has had it. You know that feeling your body gets when you can feel it trying to creep opon you? The throat becomes just a little scratchy and your nose is a little runny and your body is just a teeny bit achey. That's when I start overdosing on Vitamin C and intoxicating my body with orange juice. That usually helps fight it off before it has a chance to surface.
I don't know why I thought I was lucky enough to have escaped the long-lasting plague that has been floating around our office. But I honestly thought I would make it this entire winter without being the recipient of such an annoying illness. I say annoying because most of the time when you have the flu you aren't throwing up, so its hard to use just burning eyes, throat, and body as a reason to stay home from work. So even though you are miserable you suck it up and work anyway. And by doing that, you make it worse, so by the third or fourth day you can barely walk because your body aches so bad and your eyes are burning like bacon in a frying pan and your throat is so swollen you can barely force the once appreciated Vitamin C and orange juice down it.
This morning I woke up and I realized that I had become its next victim. I had not escaped the attack of this dreadful fate and found it very difficult to get out of bed. I poured the Vitamin C down my throat wincing in pain as it slowly edged its way down my very red and very swollen scratchy throat. I hear my mom in the back of my head scolding me, "You need to gargle salt water, Amy. It will help heal your throat." I HATE gargling salt water--more so than taking any other pain medicine. I'm not entirely sure what it is about the salt water that I don't like...probably the overwhelming feeling that takes over me making me want to gag every time I spit out. Too much information, I know.
I thought I was doing everything possible to shield myself from the hands of the Flu Bug. Unfortunately for me, the Bug won the fight and continues to battle my body. I am hoping to rise up and overcome him quickly and enjoy my extra long weekend that is soon to arrive.
Monday, February 14, 2005
In honor of Valentine's Day...
a few things that I love:
the sunshine
sleeping in on the weekend
snuggling up in a warm blanket
getting mail (minus all the credit card apps and the junk)
watching a good movie
kisses on the cheek
hearing "I love you."
being hugged
an unexpected phone call from an old friend
making organized binders at work
hearing my niece laugh
getting a refund check
watching my nephew do something onery like pouring an entire jug of water onto the floor and smiling because he thinks its funny and doesn't know its wrong
receiving compliments
warm weather
turning on the radio just in time to hear my favorite song
wearing pink
giving unexpected gifts
driving home in no traffic
flying in an airplane
riding a great roller coaster
scavenger hunts
looking at pictures
Audrey Hepburn
getting new pajamas
reading a good book
playing the piano
home-cooked meals
warm towels straight out of the dryer
cinnamon (and Cynnamon, my niece)
the zoo
good news
meeting new people
a fresh haircut
pulling in to work 5 minutes early
seeing a stranger smile
Whether or not you have a Valentine today, I would like to wish you a very Happy Valentine's Day! May the sun shine especially bright on you today. :)
the sunshine
sleeping in on the weekend
snuggling up in a warm blanket
getting mail (minus all the credit card apps and the junk)
watching a good movie
kisses on the cheek
hearing "I love you."
being hugged
an unexpected phone call from an old friend
making organized binders at work
hearing my niece laugh
getting a refund check
watching my nephew do something onery like pouring an entire jug of water onto the floor and smiling because he thinks its funny and doesn't know its wrong
receiving compliments
warm weather
turning on the radio just in time to hear my favorite song
wearing pink
giving unexpected gifts
driving home in no traffic
flying in an airplane
riding a great roller coaster
scavenger hunts
looking at pictures
Audrey Hepburn
getting new pajamas
reading a good book
playing the piano
home-cooked meals
warm towels straight out of the dryer
cinnamon (and Cynnamon, my niece)
the zoo
good news
meeting new people
a fresh haircut
pulling in to work 5 minutes early
seeing a stranger smile
Whether or not you have a Valentine today, I would like to wish you a very Happy Valentine's Day! May the sun shine especially bright on you today. :)
Friday, February 11, 2005
Couple of birthday pictures
Well, I finally got the pictures from my Birthday off the camera and onto a CD. Here are two of my favorites:

Me and Mike at Steak-n-Shake

My sister and my niece (who always cheeses for the pictures).
Me and Mike at Steak-n-Shake
My sister and my niece (who always cheeses for the pictures).
Randomness about me...
I think I am the only person (okay so there are a few more out there) that enjoy filling out the cheesy email surveys that float around. I got this one a bit back and finally got around to filling it out. Instead of emailing it out, I thought I'd post it here instead. So this will give you a little more insight about me as a person...well, what you can get from the survey anyway...
I AM: among many people in the office wearing pink today...guess we were all subconsciously thinking about Valentine's Day early. :)
I WANT: spring to hurry up and get here so I can wear more than itchy sweaters, closed toed shoes, and pants.
I HAVE: never been sky diving before, but might like to try it someday.
I WISH: I were more patient.
I HATE: having to call 50 phone numbers to get ahold of someone.
I MISS: my friends from college.
I FEAR: dying in a car accident.
I HEAR: people chatting in the hall.
I SEARCH: for my keys frequently...I'm always misplacing something.
I WONDER: how long it will take for me to see measureable results from my working out. :)
I REGRET: not eating breakfast today...now I'm starved!
I LOVE: the sunshine, scrapbooking, singing, playing the piano, meeting new peole, my niece, my husband, riding horses, roses, kisses on the cheek.
I ACHE: because I ran up and down 6 flights of stairs yesterday.
I AM NOT: going to get to sleep in this weekend b/c I have a class in Norman on Saturday that starts at 8:30, so I will have to leave my house at 6 AM! YIKES!
I DANCE: when I am in a good mood or feeling crazy.
I SING: because I'm happy!
I CRY: when I am hurting...or when I watch the Notebook, which I did this week. :)
I AM NOT ALWAYS: on time to work...in fact, its a rare thing when I am...
I WRITE: tons of email a day to people from all over the world. (The current global meeting I am helping plan is in Cairo.)
I CONFUSE: a lot of people with my optimism.
I TASTE: M&Ms...like I said--I was starving, so I went and bought some M&Ms from the snack box.
I NEED: 8 hugs a day to survive
Yes or No...
You keep a diary: I guess this would be considered a diary of sorts...
You like to cook: I am learning to enjoy it.
You have a secret you have not shared with anyone: Yes
You believe in love: absolutely, positively, I do
Ever get motion sickness: No
Think you're a health freak: if you saw what I ate, you would know that I am definitely NOT a health freak
Get along with your parents: depends on the topic of conversation--usually (as of late)
Like thunderstorms: No! I hate rain.
CURRENT HAIR COLOR: brown with blonde hi-lites
EYE COLOR: poop brown
HEIGHT: 5'7"
BIRTHDAY AND AGE: January 29, 24 years old
COLOR: yellow! It's bright...
DAY: Fridays and Saturdays
MONTH: June/July--it's warm! YAY!
SONG: You Can't Hide Beautiful
FOOD: I love food...chicken and sweets mostly
SEASON: Definitely summer--no doubt about it!
SPORT: basketball and gymnastics
DRINK: Pepsi or OJ
QUOTE: "Laugh like you've never been hurt, work like you don't need the money, dance like no one is watching."
CHOCOLATE MILK OR HOT CHOCOLATE: hot chocolate...I hate milk
VANILLA OR CHOCOLATE: Chocolate all the way Baby!
(In the last 24 hours have you...)
HELPED SOMEONE: Just this morning--helped a co-worker bring some boxes in from her car.
BOUGHT SOMETHING: shockingly, no
GOTTEN SICK: No! It is so nice not to have a headache today...this makes day 5 being headache free. :)
GONE OUT FOR DINNER: nope--I made dinner last night: ham steak, curly fries, and breadsticks...it was yummy.
HUGGED SOMEONE: Yes! My niece like a billion times yesterday when she and my sis came to surprise me at work...okay, so it was really like 3 or 4 times, but still...
Name 5 bands/artists you listen to: Carpenters, Britney, Maroon 5, Rachel Lampa, Lonestar
Would you ever:
1. Eat a bug? For a large sum of money, sure
2. Bungee jump? I've thought about it but I'm still not sure...probably not.
3. Hang glide? sounds fun
4. Parachute from a plane? that's a tought one...I love heights, and I'd like to, but I think I'd chicken out once I got up there.
5. Walk on hot coals? No way
6. Be a vegetarian? Heck no! I love meat too much to give it up.
7. Wear plaid with stripes? Definitely not.
8. IM a stranger? would I ever? probably...don't usually though
9. Sing karaoke? Oh yeah!! I would love to sing karaoke.
10. Run a red light? Sure :)
11. Dye your hair blue? Ummm...no.
12. Be on Survivor? I would be the first one kicked off or starve first b/c I wouldn't eat the things they eat
13. Wear makeup in public? Everyday
14. NOT wear makeup in public? Sure
15. Cheat on a test? the only tests I have left to take in my lifetime are of great importance for my career, so I'm going to have to say definitely not...
16. Make someone cry? I'm sure I will, but it won't be intentional.
17. Date someone more than ten years older than you? No--I'm married now.
18. Take a job as a janitor? I hope it never comes to that...I like my job. :)
19. Stay up all through the night? yeah--sometimes those are the best nights ever!
20. Challenge someone in a fight out of pride even if you knew you wouldn't win? Probably--I'm stubborn.
Here's something you can enjoy after enduring all the crazy forwards that people send you threatening you if you don't forward the email on to other people...Enjoy.
I AM: among many people in the office wearing pink today...guess we were all subconsciously thinking about Valentine's Day early. :)
I WANT: spring to hurry up and get here so I can wear more than itchy sweaters, closed toed shoes, and pants.
I HAVE: never been sky diving before, but might like to try it someday.
I WISH: I were more patient.
I HATE: having to call 50 phone numbers to get ahold of someone.
I MISS: my friends from college.
I FEAR: dying in a car accident.
I HEAR: people chatting in the hall.
I SEARCH: for my keys frequently...I'm always misplacing something.
I WONDER: how long it will take for me to see measureable results from my working out. :)
I REGRET: not eating breakfast today...now I'm starved!
I LOVE: the sunshine, scrapbooking, singing, playing the piano, meeting new peole, my niece, my husband, riding horses, roses, kisses on the cheek.
I ACHE: because I ran up and down 6 flights of stairs yesterday.
I AM NOT: going to get to sleep in this weekend b/c I have a class in Norman on Saturday that starts at 8:30, so I will have to leave my house at 6 AM! YIKES!
I DANCE: when I am in a good mood or feeling crazy.
I SING: because I'm happy!
I CRY: when I am hurting...or when I watch the Notebook, which I did this week. :)
I AM NOT ALWAYS: on time to work...in fact, its a rare thing when I am...
I WRITE: tons of email a day to people from all over the world. (The current global meeting I am helping plan is in Cairo.)
I CONFUSE: a lot of people with my optimism.
I TASTE: M&Ms...like I said--I was starving, so I went and bought some M&Ms from the snack box.
I NEED: 8 hugs a day to survive
Yes or No...
You keep a diary: I guess this would be considered a diary of sorts...
You like to cook: I am learning to enjoy it.
You have a secret you have not shared with anyone: Yes
You believe in love: absolutely, positively, I do
Ever get motion sickness: No
Think you're a health freak: if you saw what I ate, you would know that I am definitely NOT a health freak
Get along with your parents: depends on the topic of conversation--usually (as of late)
Like thunderstorms: No! I hate rain.
CURRENT HAIR COLOR: brown with blonde hi-lites
EYE COLOR: poop brown
HEIGHT: 5'7"
BIRTHDAY AND AGE: January 29, 24 years old
COLOR: yellow! It's bright...
DAY: Fridays and Saturdays
MONTH: June/July--it's warm! YAY!
SONG: You Can't Hide Beautiful
FOOD: I love food...chicken and sweets mostly
SEASON: Definitely summer--no doubt about it!
SPORT: basketball and gymnastics
DRINK: Pepsi or OJ
QUOTE: "Laugh like you've never been hurt, work like you don't need the money, dance like no one is watching."
CHOCOLATE MILK OR HOT CHOCOLATE: hot chocolate...I hate milk
VANILLA OR CHOCOLATE: Chocolate all the way Baby!
(In the last 24 hours have you...)
HELPED SOMEONE: Just this morning--helped a co-worker bring some boxes in from her car.
BOUGHT SOMETHING: shockingly, no
GOTTEN SICK: No! It is so nice not to have a headache today...this makes day 5 being headache free. :)
GONE OUT FOR DINNER: nope--I made dinner last night: ham steak, curly fries, and breadsticks...it was yummy.
HUGGED SOMEONE: Yes! My niece like a billion times yesterday when she and my sis came to surprise me at work...okay, so it was really like 3 or 4 times, but still...
Name 5 bands/artists you listen to: Carpenters, Britney, Maroon 5, Rachel Lampa, Lonestar
Would you ever:
1. Eat a bug? For a large sum of money, sure
2. Bungee jump? I've thought about it but I'm still not sure...probably not.
3. Hang glide? sounds fun
4. Parachute from a plane? that's a tought one...I love heights, and I'd like to, but I think I'd chicken out once I got up there.
5. Walk on hot coals? No way
6. Be a vegetarian? Heck no! I love meat too much to give it up.
7. Wear plaid with stripes? Definitely not.
8. IM a stranger? would I ever? probably...don't usually though
9. Sing karaoke? Oh yeah!! I would love to sing karaoke.
10. Run a red light? Sure :)
11. Dye your hair blue? Ummm...no.
12. Be on Survivor? I would be the first one kicked off or starve first b/c I wouldn't eat the things they eat
13. Wear makeup in public? Everyday
14. NOT wear makeup in public? Sure
15. Cheat on a test? the only tests I have left to take in my lifetime are of great importance for my career, so I'm going to have to say definitely not...
16. Make someone cry? I'm sure I will, but it won't be intentional.
17. Date someone more than ten years older than you? No--I'm married now.
18. Take a job as a janitor? I hope it never comes to that...I like my job. :)
19. Stay up all through the night? yeah--sometimes those are the best nights ever!
20. Challenge someone in a fight out of pride even if you knew you wouldn't win? Probably--I'm stubborn.
Here's something you can enjoy after enduring all the crazy forwards that people send you threatening you if you don't forward the email on to other people...Enjoy.
Thursday, February 10, 2005
A pageant experience relived
Back in 2001 when I was a junior in college, I thought it would be fun and a good experience to participate in the Miss NSU pageant for our University. The contest would consist of the usual entries for a pageant: swimsuit, talent, evening wear, and interview. Little did I know that I was in for the experience of a lifetime. Let me explain...
For those that know me, know that I am a preppy city girl who enjoys dressing up and can usually handle the pressure of performing in front a crowd. But I am by no means a classy girl all the time--I enjoy being rowdy and getting my hands dirty every now and then. I entered this pageant strictly for the fun of having a good time and meeting other people. If I had known then what I know now, I'm pretty sure I would have bowed out before I even filled out the application.
One of my good friend's cheerleading coach had done the pageant thing many times before and offered to give me a little coaching on some things, so I wouldn't make a complete fool out of myself when the big day finally arrived. Here are some things that she was kind enough to teach me:
1) You have to have the "pageant walk" down to a tee (which I will explain below)
2) Normal, everyday bathing suits that could be purchased from Wal-Mart or Target were not acceptable. There are special "pageant suits" that were specifically made for the swimsuit portion of the competition. (Whatever!)
3) You had to know and understand your platform like you know the back of your hand for the interviews...crap! Guess that means I need to think of an issue that I'm passionate about...I am passionate about eating, does that count?!
4) All talent should have some sort of choreography...(I'm a singer people...not a dancer!)
5) All pageant girls are mean and ruthless...they will do whatever it takes to win...and I do mean WHATEVER...
6) All myths about pageants are true: the girls do spray sticky stuff on their butts to keep their swimsuits from riding up, they do put hemorrhoid ointment on their legs to make them "shrink" in size, they do put vaseline on their teeth to make smiling easier, and they do get extra help for their chests (they actually sell skin colored jelly pads for just this reason--amazing!).
Learning the "pageant walk" in heels 4 inches or higher was a nightmare for me! I've never really been one to wear heels, much less at least 4 inches in height! The pageant walk is something we have all seen before...you know the one--where the girl sees a guy checking her out and she starts strutting her stuff, swinging her hips drastically from side to side, one foot in front of the other, as her shoulders are held back to push out her chest and her arms are slightly waving in the front. Truthfully it looks like these girls are miserable and desparate, and of course make you want to laugh out loud, but you don't because you don't want to be rude. There is nothing natural about this walk at all. Then you add the huge cheesy smile to the face and you've got the pageant walk...
Don't get me started on introducing yourself in a pageant...You should have seen my face when I heard the first girl walk to the microphone to greet the audience, "Good EVEning. A SENior MAJoring in eleMENtary eduCATION, i AM Jessica Parkerrrrrr." Smile. Tilt head to side. Pause. Kick heel up behind you. Walk off stage. Picture a Sweet Vally High girl introducing herself in the movie Clueless with the huge smile and the bobbing of the head, and you pretty much have seen the same thing I did. I bit my lip to keep from laughing outloud. Were these girls for real?! Oh yes, they were...so very real...
The seriousness that these girls had about this pageant was sickening. And the money they invested in this competition! One contestant spent $1500 on her evening gown...$1500!?!?! Most of these girls do this for a living. And the Mom's! Just as obsessed as the girls. Sheesh!
Ha! I can remember on the night of one of the rehearsals, I was starving so I brought my dinner with me--something greasy and full of fat, I'm sure. As I pulled it out to eat, I could hear small gasps throughout the room, then one girl bravely asks, "You're going to eat that?! Don't you think you should eat something healthy?" I just smiled and took a huge bite out of my dinner. Food had never tasted more wonderful in my life. I ate the entire thing, then went out on stage and rehearsed like it was the best day of my life. Healthy?! Why in the world would I want to give up greasy, fatty foods so I can pour myself into a body sucking pageant suit for a pageant I am only participating in for fun? Ha! Some people crack me up.
Depsite the fact that I was moved to the back row of the opening number because I couldn't learn the choreography well enough, and despite the fact that I looked like a complete idiot walking around half naked in front of hundreds of people, and despite the fact that I was probably in the very bottom percentage of contestants, this opportunity gave me a few things: it gave me a reason to get my braces removed two weeks early, it gave me a reason to laugh at myself for thinking I could actually compete with die-hard pageant queens, it gave me confidence to do anything in front of any one (if I can walk around in a "pageant suit" in front of my entire college campus, I can surely do anything...), and it helped me to realize that that childhood dream of becoming Miss USA is no longer an interest to me...
Now as I watch pageants on TV, I smile inside and know deep down just what those girls suffered through to look like that on television. Unbelieveable.
P.S. Doug the email address you sent me doesn't work...I've tried a couple of times to email you and it bounces back...
For those that know me, know that I am a preppy city girl who enjoys dressing up and can usually handle the pressure of performing in front a crowd. But I am by no means a classy girl all the time--I enjoy being rowdy and getting my hands dirty every now and then. I entered this pageant strictly for the fun of having a good time and meeting other people. If I had known then what I know now, I'm pretty sure I would have bowed out before I even filled out the application.
One of my good friend's cheerleading coach had done the pageant thing many times before and offered to give me a little coaching on some things, so I wouldn't make a complete fool out of myself when the big day finally arrived. Here are some things that she was kind enough to teach me:
1) You have to have the "pageant walk" down to a tee (which I will explain below)
2) Normal, everyday bathing suits that could be purchased from Wal-Mart or Target were not acceptable. There are special "pageant suits" that were specifically made for the swimsuit portion of the competition. (Whatever!)
3) You had to know and understand your platform like you know the back of your hand for the interviews...crap! Guess that means I need to think of an issue that I'm passionate about...I am passionate about eating, does that count?!
4) All talent should have some sort of choreography...(I'm a singer people...not a dancer!)
5) All pageant girls are mean and ruthless...they will do whatever it takes to win...and I do mean WHATEVER...
6) All myths about pageants are true: the girls do spray sticky stuff on their butts to keep their swimsuits from riding up, they do put hemorrhoid ointment on their legs to make them "shrink" in size, they do put vaseline on their teeth to make smiling easier, and they do get extra help for their chests (they actually sell skin colored jelly pads for just this reason--amazing!).
Learning the "pageant walk" in heels 4 inches or higher was a nightmare for me! I've never really been one to wear heels, much less at least 4 inches in height! The pageant walk is something we have all seen before...you know the one--where the girl sees a guy checking her out and she starts strutting her stuff, swinging her hips drastically from side to side, one foot in front of the other, as her shoulders are held back to push out her chest and her arms are slightly waving in the front. Truthfully it looks like these girls are miserable and desparate, and of course make you want to laugh out loud, but you don't because you don't want to be rude. There is nothing natural about this walk at all. Then you add the huge cheesy smile to the face and you've got the pageant walk...
Don't get me started on introducing yourself in a pageant...You should have seen my face when I heard the first girl walk to the microphone to greet the audience, "Good EVEning. A SENior MAJoring in eleMENtary eduCATION, i AM Jessica Parkerrrrrr." Smile. Tilt head to side. Pause. Kick heel up behind you. Walk off stage. Picture a Sweet Vally High girl introducing herself in the movie Clueless with the huge smile and the bobbing of the head, and you pretty much have seen the same thing I did. I bit my lip to keep from laughing outloud. Were these girls for real?! Oh yes, they were...so very real...
The seriousness that these girls had about this pageant was sickening. And the money they invested in this competition! One contestant spent $1500 on her evening gown...$1500!?!?! Most of these girls do this for a living. And the Mom's! Just as obsessed as the girls. Sheesh!
Ha! I can remember on the night of one of the rehearsals, I was starving so I brought my dinner with me--something greasy and full of fat, I'm sure. As I pulled it out to eat, I could hear small gasps throughout the room, then one girl bravely asks, "You're going to eat that?! Don't you think you should eat something healthy?" I just smiled and took a huge bite out of my dinner. Food had never tasted more wonderful in my life. I ate the entire thing, then went out on stage and rehearsed like it was the best day of my life. Healthy?! Why in the world would I want to give up greasy, fatty foods so I can pour myself into a body sucking pageant suit for a pageant I am only participating in for fun? Ha! Some people crack me up.
Depsite the fact that I was moved to the back row of the opening number because I couldn't learn the choreography well enough, and despite the fact that I looked like a complete idiot walking around half naked in front of hundreds of people, and despite the fact that I was probably in the very bottom percentage of contestants, this opportunity gave me a few things: it gave me a reason to get my braces removed two weeks early, it gave me a reason to laugh at myself for thinking I could actually compete with die-hard pageant queens, it gave me confidence to do anything in front of any one (if I can walk around in a "pageant suit" in front of my entire college campus, I can surely do anything...), and it helped me to realize that that childhood dream of becoming Miss USA is no longer an interest to me...
Now as I watch pageants on TV, I smile inside and know deep down just what those girls suffered through to look like that on television. Unbelieveable.
P.S. Doug the email address you sent me doesn't work...I've tried a couple of times to email you and it bounces back...
Wednesday, February 09, 2005
What crazy fans won't do...
I am completely at a loss for words. Like many other fellow Americans, I am a huge fan of American Idol. I have watched consistently the past four years, though I admit I opted out last season after I vowed to quit watching last season if they got rid of LaToya. When they did, I quit watching. But here I am again watching the fourth season.
How excited was I when I was watching the auditions in St. Louis and saw a very familiar face and name: Carrie Underwood. I went to NSU with Carrie, and while I never actually spoke to her or had classes with her I knew who she was. She was the down to earth girl with a great talent--singing. She won the talent portion of the Miss NSU pageant and the 1st Runner Up overall. (That's something I can rant about in another blog entry--my experience in the Miss NSU pageant and pageants in general...maybe later this week.)
What amazes me, and quite frankly scares me is that Carrie has performed TWICE in front of America--TWO TIMES! and the love America already has for her is overwhelming. I went to the AI website and did a search for her on their message board. UNBELIEVABLE! The number of messages and comments about her were unbelievable. So, I thought to myself, "I'm going to google her and see if I get any hits." What I should of said was, "I'm going to google her and see HOW MANY hits I get." You would not believe the number of fansites that have already been created in her honor. . . that part is totally cool. What scares me is how rampant everyone has become to find pictures and information about her...anything they can get their hands on. They have become so Carrie-hungry it is frightening! I never realized that a fanbase could grow so large after only two public appearances.
Do I think she will win? Not sure...do I think she will go far in the competition? Yes. And well deserved. I am just amazed at how quickly she has become the talk at the Watercooler. What was once just a name that floated around NSU for a while has now become a household name.
I, too, am a fan and will continue to route for her as long as she is in the competition. Congratulations Carrie!
--From a stranger to you at NSU
How excited was I when I was watching the auditions in St. Louis and saw a very familiar face and name: Carrie Underwood. I went to NSU with Carrie, and while I never actually spoke to her or had classes with her I knew who she was. She was the down to earth girl with a great talent--singing. She won the talent portion of the Miss NSU pageant and the 1st Runner Up overall. (That's something I can rant about in another blog entry--my experience in the Miss NSU pageant and pageants in general...maybe later this week.)
What amazes me, and quite frankly scares me is that Carrie has performed TWICE in front of America--TWO TIMES! and the love America already has for her is overwhelming. I went to the AI website and did a search for her on their message board. UNBELIEVABLE! The number of messages and comments about her were unbelievable. So, I thought to myself, "I'm going to google her and see if I get any hits." What I should of said was, "I'm going to google her and see HOW MANY hits I get." You would not believe the number of fansites that have already been created in her honor. . . that part is totally cool. What scares me is how rampant everyone has become to find pictures and information about her...anything they can get their hands on. They have become so Carrie-hungry it is frightening! I never realized that a fanbase could grow so large after only two public appearances.
Do I think she will win? Not sure...do I think she will go far in the competition? Yes. And well deserved. I am just amazed at how quickly she has become the talk at the Watercooler. What was once just a name that floated around NSU for a while has now become a household name.
I, too, am a fan and will continue to route for her as long as she is in the competition. Congratulations Carrie!
--From a stranger to you at NSU
Tuesday, February 08, 2005
The Nature of Riding in Elevators
Just like every other morning during the work week, I quickly walked into the building and noticed that the elevator doors were about to close, so I increased my pace to catch a ride before the doors shut in my face. Luckily the woman who entered before me saw that I was close and held the door open for me. As we rode up to our respective floors, I began to think about how predictable people are when it comes to riding in elevators.
The first person into the elevator automatically becomes the King of the elevator, or the Master of Controls. He stands by the buttons and as more people join him in the elevator, he pushes the corresponding floors. There is, of course, no eye contact made. Each person makes a conscious effort to stare at the floor or the ceiling, but never directly at the other passengers.
The second person in the elevator will quickly move to the opposite corner of the Master of Controls. It is important that all persons at any given time, riding in the elevator are as far away from one another as possible, such that they are evenly distributed. If more people start to enter the elevator, you will notice that all pre-existing riders will try to back themselves further into the corner so as not to collide with the other passengers' bubble of personal space. If bags or personal belongings are brought aboard the elevator, it is important that they remain close to the owner so as not to bump anyone else.
As the elevator stops at each floor and picks up more people, it becomes so full that the air is stiff and uncomfortable. When the doors open to welcome the last person trying to board, he is greeted by several passengers impatiently waiting for him to step into the elevator. The only problem is that the elevator is nearly full. He steps in, and realizes he needs to turn around to face the door (people get very uncomfortable when they can't face the door), but it is too crowded and he can't manage making such an akward shift. So he stands there, face to face with an absolute stranger who is trying to avoid eye contact with him, and fidgits with his briefcase as the elevator rises to the first floor that passengers will depart. For what seems like an enternity, but is really probably only a few seconds, the strangers stand in silence and wait for their designated floor--their relief from this nearly unbearable situation. When the elevator dings and people start filtering out on each floor, the tension in it becomes less and less. If the Master of Controls arrives at his destination before all passengers have departed, the person closest to the controls replaces him.
This is a process that we do naturally, without even thinking about it. We ride on elevators all the time--sometimes we are the Master of Controls, and sometimes we are the last man to join, making an already akward situation more intense. Now you know why the people that you once thought were selfish for pressing the "Close doors" button repeatedly so you could not enter the elevator, were really just trying to save you from having to endure such an uncomfortable ride up to work. You should be thanking that person as you wait patiently for the next available elevator to pick you up for a nice quiet ride up to your floor. I am certain that you too, have once been that person pressing the button quickly to make an escape from one minute of stress.
The first person into the elevator automatically becomes the King of the elevator, or the Master of Controls. He stands by the buttons and as more people join him in the elevator, he pushes the corresponding floors. There is, of course, no eye contact made. Each person makes a conscious effort to stare at the floor or the ceiling, but never directly at the other passengers.
The second person in the elevator will quickly move to the opposite corner of the Master of Controls. It is important that all persons at any given time, riding in the elevator are as far away from one another as possible, such that they are evenly distributed. If more people start to enter the elevator, you will notice that all pre-existing riders will try to back themselves further into the corner so as not to collide with the other passengers' bubble of personal space. If bags or personal belongings are brought aboard the elevator, it is important that they remain close to the owner so as not to bump anyone else.
As the elevator stops at each floor and picks up more people, it becomes so full that the air is stiff and uncomfortable. When the doors open to welcome the last person trying to board, he is greeted by several passengers impatiently waiting for him to step into the elevator. The only problem is that the elevator is nearly full. He steps in, and realizes he needs to turn around to face the door (people get very uncomfortable when they can't face the door), but it is too crowded and he can't manage making such an akward shift. So he stands there, face to face with an absolute stranger who is trying to avoid eye contact with him, and fidgits with his briefcase as the elevator rises to the first floor that passengers will depart. For what seems like an enternity, but is really probably only a few seconds, the strangers stand in silence and wait for their designated floor--their relief from this nearly unbearable situation. When the elevator dings and people start filtering out on each floor, the tension in it becomes less and less. If the Master of Controls arrives at his destination before all passengers have departed, the person closest to the controls replaces him.
This is a process that we do naturally, without even thinking about it. We ride on elevators all the time--sometimes we are the Master of Controls, and sometimes we are the last man to join, making an already akward situation more intense. Now you know why the people that you once thought were selfish for pressing the "Close doors" button repeatedly so you could not enter the elevator, were really just trying to save you from having to endure such an uncomfortable ride up to work. You should be thanking that person as you wait patiently for the next available elevator to pick you up for a nice quiet ride up to your floor. I am certain that you too, have once been that person pressing the button quickly to make an escape from one minute of stress.
Monday, February 07, 2005
I confess...I am addicted.
Hello. My name is Amy, and I am a TVholic. (Hi Amy.) It all started on Wednesday evening when I finally got my birthday gift from Mike in the mail: Dr Quinn Medicine Woman Season 1 DVDs. I was soooooo excited to start watching them, so we watched the pilot episode together Wednesday night. He, of course, was not very interested, but agreed to watch the first two episodes before making up his mind whether or not he liked the show. Turns out he wasn't all that interested in the show, so that gave me free reign to watch at my own pace...that was very dangerous of him. I was out-of-control! I watched 14 hours of Dr Quinn (the entire first season) in 5 days! I was so excited to continue the series, that I bid on Seasons 2 and 3 on eBay and won them. You have to understand that this was one of my favorite series when it was on television in the 90s. I loved it so much I vowed to name my future daughter Michaela after the leading lady of the show.
Saturday evening after I'd spent nearly 9 hours watching the show that day I realized that I had in fact become a TVholic. I sat on my couch with no makeup on, eyes burning from staring at the television, head pounding from the constant focus on the screen, tummy growling for lack of food the entire day (minus the Oatmeal Creme Pie I snacked on to tied me over until dinner), and I realized I was out of control. I was truly addicted. I was a complete mess, but I just had to watch one more episode. I ran out to the garage where Mike was changing the oil in his car and I told him I would start dinner after I watched one more episode. He chuckled at me, then smiled as I walked back inside to tend to my addiction. After dinner I decided that I would take a break from the show and by 10:00 I was starting to get that undeniable feeling that I had to watch just one more. So while Mike played on the internet, I sat once again in front of the screen and watched one of the last three episodes of the season.
After doing nothing but think, breathe, and feel Dr. Quinn for the entire day, I, of course, had dreams about the show that night. When I woke the next morning for church, I did well not to think about how I only had two episodes left. I actually admit that I went the entire morning without evening thinking about the show, a step of improvement for such an addiction. Once I got home from church after having lunch and doing a little shopping, I smiled as I looked at the clock and realized I had just enough time to finish off the last two episodes before church that evening.
As the credits rolled from the last episode I sat there dumbfounded and a little sad that my journey with season 1 had ended. As I let out a sigh, I turned to Mike and asked, "Now what am I going to watch?!" It was he that smiled and quietly reminded me that I had two more seasons in the mail and headed my way...what a wonderful husband to support such a petty and costly addiction. I love him dearly. If only he shared my sweet addiction for this show.
Saturday evening after I'd spent nearly 9 hours watching the show that day I realized that I had in fact become a TVholic. I sat on my couch with no makeup on, eyes burning from staring at the television, head pounding from the constant focus on the screen, tummy growling for lack of food the entire day (minus the Oatmeal Creme Pie I snacked on to tied me over until dinner), and I realized I was out of control. I was truly addicted. I was a complete mess, but I just had to watch one more episode. I ran out to the garage where Mike was changing the oil in his car and I told him I would start dinner after I watched one more episode. He chuckled at me, then smiled as I walked back inside to tend to my addiction. After dinner I decided that I would take a break from the show and by 10:00 I was starting to get that undeniable feeling that I had to watch just one more. So while Mike played on the internet, I sat once again in front of the screen and watched one of the last three episodes of the season.
After doing nothing but think, breathe, and feel Dr. Quinn for the entire day, I, of course, had dreams about the show that night. When I woke the next morning for church, I did well not to think about how I only had two episodes left. I actually admit that I went the entire morning without evening thinking about the show, a step of improvement for such an addiction. Once I got home from church after having lunch and doing a little shopping, I smiled as I looked at the clock and realized I had just enough time to finish off the last two episodes before church that evening.
As the credits rolled from the last episode I sat there dumbfounded and a little sad that my journey with season 1 had ended. As I let out a sigh, I turned to Mike and asked, "Now what am I going to watch?!" It was he that smiled and quietly reminded me that I had two more seasons in the mail and headed my way...what a wonderful husband to support such a petty and costly addiction. I love him dearly. If only he shared my sweet addiction for this show.
Wednesday, February 02, 2005
Happy Groundhog Day!
February 2...just another ordinary day. EXCEPT, today is the day that everyone always makes useless chatter over whether or not Punxsutawney Phil sees his shadow. Everyone moaned as the top hat handler pulled the overweight piece of fur from his burrow and announced that there would be six more weeks of winter. What I don't understand is their method for determining more winter. If the groundhound sees his shadow, then that means the sun is out, so logically wouldn't that mean that spring will come early?!
And if I'm looking correctly at my calendar then there is a little over six more weeks of winter regardless of whether or not the overgrown chipmunk sees his shadowed friend. This year will make the 95th time that Phil has seen his shadow. He didn't see his shadow 14 times and there were 9 years that weren't recorded (according to cnn.com). I bet some interesting research would be to see how many times Mr. Punxsutawney predicted incorrectly.
In any case, I guess we should bundle up and get ready for another six weeks of winter. After all, the groundhog saw his shadow...he has to be right!
Look how cute he is. :) I think I'll rent "Groundhog Day" tonight.
And if I'm looking correctly at my calendar then there is a little over six more weeks of winter regardless of whether or not the overgrown chipmunk sees his shadowed friend. This year will make the 95th time that Phil has seen his shadow. He didn't see his shadow 14 times and there were 9 years that weren't recorded (according to cnn.com). I bet some interesting research would be to see how many times Mr. Punxsutawney predicted incorrectly.
In any case, I guess we should bundle up and get ready for another six weeks of winter. After all, the groundhog saw his shadow...he has to be right!

Look how cute he is. :) I think I'll rent "Groundhog Day" tonight.
Tuesday, February 01, 2005
With permission, anything goes...
An interesting read:
Maybe this guy's company had a policy like mine. It states in our Policies and Procedures manual that taking naps is okay as long as it is approved by your manager. Hmmm....maybe everyone thought he had permission to be napping...on a permanent basis.
In any case, I'd like to know where this guy got such strong, industrial strength deoderant.
Maybe this guy's company had a policy like mine. It states in our Policies and Procedures manual that taking naps is okay as long as it is approved by your manager. Hmmm....maybe everyone thought he had permission to be napping...on a permanent basis.
In any case, I'd like to know where this guy got such strong, industrial strength deoderant.
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