Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Sunburnt and rambling

First of all, I'm an idiot. I'm an idiot because Saturday I wore a tank top out in the heat of the day with no sun screen for the first time this season...and my very pasty skin is now the color of a lobster. And it hurts. Bad.

Now that we've established I'm an idiot, let's move on to something less exciting. Despite the fact that life just continues to rush on by and every time I really think about the fact that it's already close to the FIFTH month of this year I get overwhelmed, I really haven't had much excitement in my life to blog about. I've been enjoying the new episodes of "Lost" and "The Office" and have pretty much been counting down the days until the next time I go somewhere other than Sand Springs, America.

Work has been crammed full of mandatory fun meetings, and if we aren't at the mandatory fun meetings, then they are sending mass emails about the fun meetings. It's loads of fun, I tell ya. They (they meaning not my work people, but someone else) are currently knocking down and burning trees behind our parking lot, for what will probably be the 56th bank on this side of town, so we've had quite the smoke-filled odor floating through our building.

Mike and I are thinking about getting a new house. Wait. Let me rephrase: Mike and I are thinking about getting to the point where we think about getting a new house...next year is the goal. We always said we would live in our current house for 5 years, then move into something a little bigger (no that is not a plug to say we are planning to expand our family). Yes, we are only two people and a dog and we want more space. Sharing the scrapbook room with the guest room/catch all is not my idea of fun. I need more space for all the scrap stuff I am accumulating. :) I'm getting "new house fever" in the worst way. I try not to really think about it a whole lot because I know we won't be ready to move until next year, but I can't help it. It's so close I can taste it. I don't think my obsession would be so bad, but I have lived in this house for 21 years people!! (we bought my parents house when we got married in case you didn't know that) We've done a LOT to the house to make it our own, but I'm ready for a change. Like yesterday.

All that to say, I really have nothing new going on in my life. Just living life and having fun. Hopefully I'll get some more good blogging material soon. Blogger's block sucks. Hard core.

1 comment:

Sweet Yet Sassy said...

Woo Hoo for new houses!

Not so woo hoo for lobster skin!