Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Early present

So I got an early Birthday present from the City today...a big fat speeding ticket! :( Generally speaking I almost always watch my speed and try to be conscious of the much so that the last time I got a ticket was 10 years ago...after my 16th birthday. It's so frustrating. What a waste of money. I would rather set my $120 on fire than to pay it to the City.

At least the cop was nice. He bumped my speed down so it wouldn't go on my record or my insurance and so it would be the lowest ticket cost. Still doesn't help this annoyed feeling of disgust for myself go away any faster.

Happy early Birthday to me.


Anonymous said...

Slow Down!!

Anonymous said...

Bummer! I received a ticket last month for not using a turn signal. In a left hand only lane. On a Wednesday at 10 pm with no cars behind or beside me.

Happy early Birthday! Have an extra slice of cake :)

Amy said...

Heather-I remember you post and because of it have made a conscious decision to remember to signal when I do anything! Thanks but sorry about the ticket. :)

Sweet Yet Sassy said...

Cracking up laughing. Who signed in as your insurance agent?! LOL!

Sweet Yet Sassy said...

Oh sure! You have to time to check emails and change Brigette but you don't have time to update your blog?? :(