Thursday, June 28, 2007

Letter to my 10-year old self

(Note: I got this idea from a stranger's blog that I happened upon, and was touched with the idea so much, I wanted to do one of my own.)

Dear Amy,

Although given the opportunity for you to read this, I don't know that you would actually take my advice, but here it is...for what it's worth. Take it to heart and listen to it. It will help you in a way you can't imagine.

You will not walk the "teacher" path that you have always dreamed of achieving, but don't give up on this dream. It will take you to a University that will offer you a career path that even in your wildest dreams, you can't imagine. A career that is fun and exciting and will encompass one of your great passions: traveling.

Spend as much time as possible with your church friends. There will come a time when you won't see them again and all you will have are the wonderful memories that you have created together. The one where you spend a week with Tiffany will be one of your most treasured and will constantly remind you of your innocence.

In 6th grade, go ahead and give mom the schedule for the end of the school year events. She won't disown you for dancing to a Paula Abdul song in the talent show. If you choose not to give it to her, the outcome will be much more severe. And the guilt will go with you until your wedding day. It's not worth it.

You will see and hear a lot of things in your home growing up. Especially in junior high and high school. You will cry-a lot. But always remember, you are loved very much. I wish I could tell you that things will get better...but they don't. But through this time, it will teach you everything you need to know to give great love to those around you and to appreciate the ones you love.

Your sophomore year will be filled with many laughs, as well as heartaches. You will become best friends with a girl who will bring a lot of happiness to you during a time of great struggle. Share your secrets with her, because she is a great friend who listens. Hang on to that friendship-she will come back into your life years down the road.

When you are 14, Dad will be rushing you to get into the car while you are trying to listen to a song in the house. Go ahead and jump in the car, turn the key to hear the song on the radio and enjoy the ride into the garage door. Dad won't be mad at you and he'll get a new garage door out of the deal.

Your freshman year of college will be a year of loss. You will lose one of your very dear childhood friends, and this will change you for the rest of your life. It is because of this loss that you will gain a great fear of dying in a car accident. Get ready for it, because it will linger with you for many many years. Spend more time with your Uncle Gordon. It is this year that the surprise news of his leukemia will take him home to be with Jesus in only three short weeks.

At 17, you will meet the man you will marry. You will know this right away, but it will take you a few years to adjust to giving up your independence. It is worth it in the end. He will love you in a way no one else can. And he will show it. Don't listen to anyone else but your heart, because only you will be able to make the right decision. Fight for the one you love, and years down the road, he will do the same for you.

Although you can't imagine it now, your sister will become your best friend. You will fight and you will laugh many times between, but she loves you more than anything. Be nice to her more often and don't fight so much over petty things. She will need a good friend in the years to come and you will need to be that friend for her.

Don't be so upset your junior year in college when you get your rooming assignment in the mail. The "surprise" roommate will become one of your very best friends, and living with her for 2 years will be a blast! God knows what He is doing when He messes up your plans. Thank Him for it. Daily.

A time will come when you will want to put your music aside for a break. Take the break-you deserve it! But never lose your desire to play the piano and sing. As promised, God will use you to minister to others through your music, and eventually will inspire you to write your own. This will be a major common bond between you and your husband, so never give it up completely.

Guard your heart and stay focused on only the things that God has put in your life. If you choose not to do this, 2006 will be a very difficult year for you. You will make mistakes. Big mistakes that you thought yourself incapable of. But in making those mistakes, be truthful with the ones you love...and they will forgive you. It will be a huge challenge, but learn to forgive yourself also.

June 26, 2004 will be the happiest day of your life.

Sugar and Curly won't be the only pets in your life. When your husband begs you to get a dog, give in to his request. By doing so, you will bring home someone that will be one of the greatest loves of your life.

Take in all the beautiful scenery you come along and take a lot of pictures along the way. You will not regret it. Keep God first in your life and you will have nothing to worry about. He will hold your hand through the trials and give you strength to make it through each day. Love unconditionally. Your life will be filled with struggles and disappointments, but it will also be filled with lots of laughter and victorious memories. When you get my age and look back on your life you will see that you have been extremely blessed with the life you were given.

Amy (Age 26)


Sweet Yet Sassy said...
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Sweet Yet Sassy said...

Ok. You officially suck. I totally wasn't ready to read that. You should have had a warning label at the top. Because for the most part I cried through it, ESPECIALLY the sweetest part ever about me and also the paragraph about your jr high and high school tears.

One part, imparticularly made me geniunely laugh out loud in true Cheri' form:

In 6th grade, go ahead and give mom the schedule for the end of the school year events. She won't disown you for dancing to a Paula Abdul song in the talent show. If you choose not to give it to her, the outcome will be much more severe. And the guilt will go with you until your wedding day. It's not worth it.

Anonymous said...

You deserve all the happiness received in life. This is so beautifully written, I'm inspired to write one.

April said...

Amy, this is beautiful.
ps-i love the new colors.