Thursday, June 28, 2007

Row, row, row your boat...

When I was younger, my friend Audrey and I would go camping in our backyards. I have a lot of wonderful memories from those "campouts." But I remember one specific time that we had made plans to camp out all week--it rained the very first night and we were so bummed about that. The next day I overheard my dad talking about how God had answered his prayer for rain. Here's how the conversation proceeded:

Me: DAD!!!!! You PRAYED for rain?!?!
Dad: Yes, Amy. We need the rain.
Me: But DAAAAD!! Audrey and I want to go camping this week, and we can't if it rains. So will you PUHLEEEESE stop praying for rain? Just for this one week??? Or can you ask God to stop the rain just for this week?
Dad: I'm sorry Amy, but we need the rain. I won't ask Him to stop it.

I walked away so heart broken because I really wanted to camp out that week.

From that moment on, whenever I wanted to make any plans that involved being outside, I'd call my dad up and ask him if he was praying for rain because I was planning something outside and I needed to know if it was going to get rained out. :) Becuase if Dad prays for rains.

I heard this week that it has rained here in Tulsa the past 20 out of 24 days. I've already traded in my car for a boat, and have been paddling to work. I finally called my dad this morning:

Me: Hi Dad. So I was just wondering if you are still praying for rain, because I think it's okay to stop now.

For the love of all things holy, PLEASE make it STOP!!!


Sweet Yet Sassy said...

Now THAT is funny!

Anonymous said...

I LOVE this post! What a great idea! I'll have to copy when I'm in an insightful mood. Have a good weekend!