Hot of the presses, ladies and gentlemen...the new fall preview from the Victoria's Secret catelog.

Never mind the trendy crop pants in this picture...all I can see are the RED SOCKS she is wearing with SANDALS. All of my life I have been told that is a HUGE fashion no-no. Sigh. I will not be caught dead wearing socks with sandals. I won't do it. You can't make me.

And this picture...where do I begin on this picture? Should I start with the bubble butt poof skirt or with the hooker black laced leggings? Oh leggings. My stomach hurts. I think I need to go throw up.
1 comment:
I am with you Amy, both girls need to just run around naked. lol The socks and sandles thing, It get on my nerves. I can't stand seeing that. My dad does it all the time but then again he is 63 64 come the 29 but that is not an excuss.
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