I've had my years of good VBS experiences, that's for sure. But in the more recent years, my role in VBS changed...I no longer was a childish girl who was a participant...oh no, I was a volunteer to help organize it. Prior to getting married, I was always recruited to do the songs. "Oh Amy is great at doing motions to monotonous children's songs! Let's recruit her!" Needless to say the kids loved it. So I did the music for about 3 years, then decided I had long served my term for helping with VBS.
I have since graduated from loud-mouhted child participant, to overzealous song leader, now to the Vacation Bible School Director. That's right, I volunteered/got nominated to completely direct our church's VBS. This is the first VBS my church has ever had (the others were at my parents'.) It starts tonight and will run every night through Friday. Despite the fact that it has taken up a LOT of my time organizing this bad boy, and despite the fact that I struggled to get volunteers to help me, I gotta say in all honesty, it's going to be a blast this week. The kids are going to love it. I am going to love it. Come Friday, I will be relieved that it will be over, but in the mean time, I'm going to enjoy the ride. It's finally arrived after all this planning. I live for these moments--when all your hard work pays off and you see it all come together.
So, while we wait for some more exciting pictures from this week, let's relive some of my finer moments (oh yes, Doug, that's you sitting to my right):

Yes i seen that, along with my little bro next to me. You also didn't have my written or verbal consent to post this picture. You should receive you summons in the mail soon. lol
I am a stud! I blew up the picture to see it better and me and my bro are the only males in the picture with about 10 females. Oh yeah. Why did my parents ever buy a white shirt for me, look how nasty that thing is.
Doug~Yes, you are a stud...that's hilarious. I hadn't noticed that you and Eric were the only guys in the picture. Awesome.
Do recognize all the others?
Perez sisters, kristin, danielle, joe's daughter, i can't remember her name, my neice heather. can't tell who the rest are
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