Friday, June 16, 2006

This week I...

got annoyed when my newly tanned arms started peeling. Ugh.
went to the store to buy a new pair of shoes. And bought three.
got excited when I remembered that season 3 of Lois&Clark comes out on DVD Tuesday.
snorted when I laughed with a group full of strangers.
laughed at myself for what a dork I was for snorting.
realized it isn't a good idea to where a skirt on a windy day.
ran two signal lights on the way to work. In the same trip.
became addicted to a new cheesy, internet game.
watched the Britney Spears Dateline special.
wore my Mardi Gras hat in the office to make a seemingly long day go by a little faster.
got made fun of for my cool, gold hat.
told myself I need a vacation.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

See, funny hats are the best!! ... Sometimes...probably not good a a funeral. :) Unless that funeral is a clown...or maybe a funny hat maker. :)