Friday, June 30, 2006

I Hate Charlie

There's nothing like being in a dead sleep when suddenly you are blasted awake with a tremendous cramping in the back of your know the one: a Charlie horse. I was sound asleep dreaming peacefully about fields of flowers and kittens and special treats, when all of a sudden I'm jerked awake with a horrific cramp in my calf. It startled me so much, that my body physically went into convulsions and I accidentally knocked poor Simon off the bed. :(

I hate Charlie. And his dang horse.

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Just because

I'm trying to teach myself that change can be a good thing. I have always struggled with it...maybe that's the reason I still live in my childhood home or that I park my car in the same spot every day or that I get ready for the day in the exact same order Because I hate change.

But recently, new changes have started taking place in my life, and surprisingly they have been for the better. I got a new job at work. I'm still at the same place doing Meeting Planning, but now I am entering a whole new realm of meeting planning that I didn't have before. I am very excited about this change. And, I have a good teacher, so that helps.

So, along with the other changes going on in my life, I have created a new URL for my blog. This is something that I have needed to do for a while, but have been putting it off for so long because I didn't really know how to get in touch with some of the readers that I have to let them know. It made me a little sad that I had to close everything off to them in hopes of them finding me again. But I had to do it. Things were getting out of control, and this was my only solution.

So, let's raise our glasses and let's make a toast. A toast to a life with lots of change.

Good change.

Friday, June 23, 2006


I was minding my own business yesterday as I was driving home from work...pulled up to the signal light to turn left. Was watching the light waiting for it to turn green, then BAM! I sat there a minute then thought to myself, "Um, I think someone just rear-ended me."

I looked behind me and sure enough, the car behind me was backing up. I got out of my car and the old lady (I'm not exaggerating when I say old lady either) in the front seat was rolling down her window.

Me: Are you okay?
Her: Yeah, stupid me. My purse fell in the floor and I reached down to pick it up.
Me: (while inspecting the back of my car) Well, I'm okay and my car is fine, so I think we're okay.
Her: Yeah. Okay.

No apology. Nothing.

As I got back in my car and drove away I thought to myself, what just happened there?! I better not be super sore tomorrow. That would really suck.

But today is tomorrow and I still feel fine-thank God. That could have been really bad.

From now on, she better just let the stinking purse stay in the floor instead of trying to reach down and pick it up while driving. Maybe Mike was right-all people over 60 need to retake their driver's test.

Good grief.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Oh to be famous

Jenny once said I hit her on the school playground. No one would play with me the rest of the day. Now, where's my million dollars?

Goldilocks and the Three Reverse?

All the cool stories about bears hanging out in backyard swimming pools or more recently, eating poridge in the kitchen of somone's home, always happen in places other than Tulsa. I want a cool bear story of my own.

Monday, June 19, 2006

Vacation Bible School

So way back in the days when I was a very cool kid...(please keep all comments to yourself, thank you!), our church put on some really good Vacation Bible Schools. You remember going to VBS? Where you sing all sorts of cheesy songs, learn a scripture verse, have a bible story, make some cool crafts that your parents keep on display in the living room until you move out of the house, and eat some great snacks?

I've had my years of good VBS experiences, that's for sure. But in the more recent years, my role in VBS changed...I no longer was a childish girl who was a participant...oh no, I was a volunteer to help organize it. Prior to getting married, I was always recruited to do the songs. "Oh Amy is great at doing motions to monotonous children's songs! Let's recruit her!" Needless to say the kids loved it. So I did the music for about 3 years, then decided I had long served my term for helping with VBS.


I have since graduated from loud-mouhted child participant, to overzealous song leader, now to the Vacation Bible School Director. That's right, I volunteered/got nominated to completely direct our church's VBS. This is the first VBS my church has ever had (the others were at my parents'.) It starts tonight and will run every night through Friday. Despite the fact that it has taken up a LOT of my time organizing this bad boy, and despite the fact that I struggled to get volunteers to help me, I gotta say in all honesty, it's going to be a blast this week. The kids are going to love it. I am going to love it. Come Friday, I will be relieved that it will be over, but in the mean time, I'm going to enjoy the ride. It's finally arrived after all this planning. I live for these moments--when all your hard work pays off and you see it all come together.

So, while we wait for some more exciting pictures from this week, let's relive some of my finer moments (oh yes, Doug, that's you sitting to my right):

Friday, June 16, 2006

This week I...

got annoyed when my newly tanned arms started peeling. Ugh.
went to the store to buy a new pair of shoes. And bought three.
got excited when I remembered that season 3 of Lois&Clark comes out on DVD Tuesday.
snorted when I laughed with a group full of strangers.
laughed at myself for what a dork I was for snorting.
realized it isn't a good idea to where a skirt on a windy day.
ran two signal lights on the way to work. In the same trip.
became addicted to a new cheesy, internet game.
watched the Britney Spears Dateline special.
wore my Mardi Gras hat in the office to make a seemingly long day go by a little faster.
got made fun of for my cool, gold hat.
told myself I need a vacation.

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Update on the Chinese email

I wrote the dude back and asked him to reply in English...his response:

"Sorry I sent reply to wrong email."

So maybe he really WAS talking about the Wu black dragon.

And it's a relief to know my name has not been changed to Wang Xia. :)

Tuesday, June 13, 2006


I love it when I get emails like this:




This is a response I got to an email I sent to this gentleman.

If anyone reads Chinese, please feel free to translate. Meanwhile, I'm going to get my Chinese dictionary and start looking up characters...

Crooked Crooks

*steps up onto soap box*

I love hearing about stupid crooks. But when a crook turns out to be an imbecile, my blood boils. I heard on the radio yesterday about this crook who went into an AutoZone to rob them. He held the clerks at gunpoint and demanded all of their money. The point came where the clerks were able to wrestle the gun free and apparently starting beating the crook up while one of the clerks called 911. After all was said and done, the crook came back with a lawsuit against AutoZone for beating him up and putting him in emotional and physical danger. WHAT THE HECK?!

The attorney who took this crook's case should be shot. That is just rediculous.

*steps off soap box*

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Let's All Go to the Circus

Barnum and Bailey finally came back to T-Town, and Mike has been wanting to go for like years (okay, so I have too). So we got tickets and went Tuesday night. Other than the concession stand people robbing us of all our money and the little boy behind me that would beat me over the head with his light-up stick whenever he got excited, we had a blast!

Some of the highlights (I would have gotten more of a variety, but my camera battery died after the tigers):

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

This week I...

finished a suspense novel in three days.
partied like it was 1999 for Simon's 2nd birthday.
wore fun, dog party hats for said birthday.
went to my nephew's 1st birthday party (man, I partied a lot this week!).
burned like a french fry because I stayed in the swimming pool an hour and a half too long.
played a game of basketball with friends.
(let me rephrase that) ran and danced around the court to pass the time until someone accidentally threw me the ball.
failed to make a basket the entire time the game was going.
realized that playing basketball was not my calling in life.
got groceries at Wal-Mart...on a Sunday...WITH.EVERYONE.ELSE.
laughed out loud 763.5 times.
ran through the rain barefoot.
bought tickets to the circus.
changed my outfit seven times in one day.
hand stuffed 718 packets of information into envelopes.
felt sorry for the recipient that will receive the envelope with a hint of blood on it from my paper cut.

Happy Tuesday all!

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Happy Birthday Simey Boy!

Today is Simon's 2nd Birthday. We are having a little get together at mom's tonight to celebrate. I got him his own beef flavored birthday cake, and finished wrapping his presents last night. He is so excited about his birthday today. :) He is equally excited about running in Grandma's big back yard and digging in the dirt...

Happy Birthday Pooh Bear!!

P.S. Happy Half-Birthday, Cheri'!! :)