Friday, May 05, 2006

Small children crack me up

So while the rest of you were probably enjoying a new episode of CSI last night, Mike and I got to sit through and endure about 50 three, four, and five year olds singing 22, that's right 22, children's song at my niece's pre-K graduation. After about 45 minutes into the songs, the kids were obviously antsy and did not want to be sitting up on the stage. On more than one occassion a child would shout out, "Teacher, can we go sit with our moms and dads now?!"

Whoever was behind having these small children sit through and sing 22 songs was beyond me. Don't they know, after having taught these kids on a regular basis, that their attention spans are all but about 30 seconds?! Lucky for us, Becca was on the front row and provided plenty of entertainment for us all. When it was her time to get up to sing with her small group, she had taken her flip flops off and spent about 5 minutes trying to get them back on as everyone waited. :) A couple of times, we caught sight of her giving the "Heman Woman Haters Club" special sign. What a riot!

The only thing that made this trip worthwhile (other than the obvious Becca), were perhaps the kid who kept falling asleep on stage, and the little boy that fell off the stage into a tree that was staged for decoration. I just couldn't keep from laughing.

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