1) The very blue and green 70s table cloth.
2) Dad's very big "Chips" sunglasses, which he still wears (some things never change).
3) Mine and my sister's very stylish doo's. (All of that credit goes to my mom-thanks Mom.)
With all good memories, also come the bad. As I recall, it was here (well, at the playground to the left just beyond the photograph) that I lost my very first and only imaginary friend, Angel. She died from lightening that struck her. My mom wouldn't let me save her because it was storming too bad and I had to go inside. I am, of course, not bitter about this...after all, she was only an imaginary friend.
Oh the joys of being a Preacher's Kid, where the closest playground was in walking distance, and the ride to school was in the church bus...or van, whichever was more embarrassing for a 7th grader.