Wednesday, December 21, 2005

I have the cooking talents of an eight year old.

Let's face it--I've never been known for my wonderful cooking ability, and I have yet to master making anything remotely fancy like cobbler or casserole. I was always more intersted in playing outside than watching my mother cook in the kitchen...I'm still that way. Hello, why do you think they have stuff available in a box?! For people like me!

I've been known to make my cookie cakes overflow, confuse baking power with baking soda, or leave out important ingredients because I didn't have them and was too lazy to go to the store to get them at the last minute (Note to self: Always check if you have ingredients BEFORE you start cooking).

So this year my mother-in-law is having dinner before we open gifts at her house and when I asked her what I should bring (she knows I can't cook), she asked if I could bring a green bean casserole. Ummm, I don't eat green beans, much less know how to make a casserole out of them. I told her I didn't know how and we decided that I would think about something to bring. I found an easy enough recipe for a green bean casserole online, so I called her to tell her I could make it. She had already asked my sister-in-law to bring it since I said I couldn't. Doh!

The result? I'm bringing deviled eggs (which my sister is going to help me make) and Butterfinger pie. Ahh well, those things are more "Amy style" anyway I guess.

Maybe I should look into taking some cooking classes before next Christmas.

1 comment:

doug said...

lol that is too funny, amy maybe you should have taken home economics in school.