Since Mike and I are going on vacation next week, I thought that this past weekend would be a good time to go to Rhema and look at all the Christmas lights. We invited my niece and my sister (and her boyfriend, who couldn't come b/c he was sick) to go with us. We drove out to Broken Arrow and bundled up before we got out of the car. I'll admit, there were jokes about my niece looking like a pink marshmallow, but it was hilarious...what can I say?
I'd say we stayed no longer than 20 minutes before we were all so cold we didn't think we could walk back to the car. We took lots of pictures and made plenty of jokes, so the 20 minutes was well worth the drive out there. When we were driving back home, we passed a couple of bank clocks that said the temperature was between 35 and 37 wonder we were so cold! BRRR!!
Here's a couple of pics of the loads of fun we had:

I went last year with Heather, We stayed about 3 mins and she wanted to go back to the truck where it would be warm. Always worth the memories tho.
I sure do miss those Rhema lights!!!
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