Tuesday, September 30, 2008

At the fair I...

drove around for 40 minutes looking for a parking spot.
almost got in a fist fight with a car full of grannies when we finally DID find a parking spot.
toured a modular home.
saw a horse sculpted from butter.
got peed on by a sugar glider. Ugh.
did not buy something over $4000 this year...finally. :)
people-watched on the midway.
found a shower head that sold for $90! (No, I didn't buy it)
decided that the fair is basically a live version of "As Seen On TV."
watched some pre-schoolers tap dance.
saw some very "white-trash" people.
ate cheese-on-a-stick, an Indian taco, a fudge newberg, potato stack, roasted corn on the cob, a strawberry newberg, and a partridge in a pear tree. (This was over a two day period, btw-I'm not that much of a pig.)

Good times, can't wait til next year!


Anonymous said...

Fun! What is an Indian taco? I love tacos.

Amy said...

You've never had an Indian taco?? Girl, you are missing out!! It's a flat, round piece of fried dough with all the taco fixings you like (bean dip, meat, lettuce, tomatoes, cheese, sour cream, salsa, etc etc). YUM!!!

Sweet Yet Sassy said...

I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Sad that I have to miss the fair this year. Eat some food for me! ...Oh wait you ate enough for the both of us! Ha! Muah

And I LOVE those freakin' sugar gliders. They are so stinkin' cute!..... Except when they pee on you! ;)