You can "jimmy" a combination of C and D batteries to get your radio to work if you don't have enough of one size.
My hubby should not be left unattended with our seance of candles...he tends to catch his hair on fire.
Hearing large trees snap and fall in all directions surrounding you while sitting in pitch black is very scary.
One should make sure the neighbor's trees are trimmed BEFORE an ice storm hits, or you might be left with trees on your power lines.
Seeing your power box ripped from your house makes for interesting conversation starters.
Wal-Mart doesn't have generators and loses electricity too.
Years of growth in a tree can be demolished in a split second.
Gas stoves come in handy.
Seven layers of thick blankets still don't keep you completely warm when your house is 50 degrees.
The devastation of the trees can look as bad as a tornado or a war zone.
People find interesting means of entertainment with no electricity and no heat.
No one is safe in a yard full of trees that are falling.
You learn who your true friends are when you are without electricty and they are not.
Pictures truly are worth a thousand words.
Here's to 41 hours without power and counting.

Amy I'm so sorry you've experienced such terrible weather. I'm glad your family is okay and making the best of it.
I love the zebra rug under the coffee table. So cute!
An addition to your list:
Its really easy to go to bed really early even when you are used to staying up way too late (No computer, no TV, no DVD player, hardly light to read by)!!
At least it is cold enough the food won't go bad. lol
hey amy i heard that any electrical damage that is not on main lines (like your box that was ripped out) would have to be fixed at cost of homeowner.
Not sure if this is true, you might want to find out tho.
Doug-You are right...but lucky for me I married someone who knows how to fix that sort of thing. Mike and his dad fixed our box yesterday. Woo hoo!!
is he for hire. I have a power line that was stretched out of box that is on garage. I don't know how but i do need it fixed. I am a great helper. :-)
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