Saturday, May 19, 2007

Pt. 2 So far in Turkey I...

rode a camel.
learned a handful more of phrases in Turkish.
went in a castle.
tried Turkish ice cream.
soaked up some sun rays on the beach of the Mediterranean Sea.
got a full body massage.
sat in a Roman arena that seats 15,000, and is still used today.
climbed a portion of the Taurus Mountains.
taken pictures of at least 4 famous (in Turkey) sets of waterfalls.
have gotten followed in every store I have gone in.
have missed my doggie VERY much.
spent all of my money.

I have enjoyed my time here, but am ready to go home. Only 17 hours until our flight leaves.

Woo hoo!! Oklahoma here we come! :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a fabulous trip! Welcome home