Tuesday, September 30, 2008

At the fair I...

drove around for 40 minutes looking for a parking spot.
almost got in a fist fight with a car full of grannies when we finally DID find a parking spot.
toured a modular home.
saw a horse sculpted from butter.
got peed on by a sugar glider. Ugh.
did not buy something over $4000 this year...finally. :)
people-watched on the midway.
found a shower head that sold for $90! (No, I didn't buy it)
decided that the fair is basically a live version of "As Seen On TV."
watched some pre-schoolers tap dance.
saw some very "white-trash" people.
ate cheese-on-a-stick, an Indian taco, a fudge newberg, potato stack, roasted corn on the cob, a strawberry newberg, and a partridge in a pear tree. (This was over a two day period, btw-I'm not that much of a pig.)

Good times, can't wait til next year!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


Is David Blaine so bored with his life that he has to keep thinking up dumb things to do to set records? He seriously needs something better to do with his time...

Monday, September 15, 2008

Busy busy busy

Saying "it's that time of year" really doesn't mean anything anymore because it seems to me that my life is always "that time of year" when things are really hectic and slowing down is not in my line of sight anytime soon. It hit me yesterday that September is already half way over. I told Mike the other day that I always forget how much I love fall until it gets here. The weather is cooler but still nice, the fair comes to town (and I LOVE fair food!!), leaves change colors, Halloween festivities/decor, pumpkins...

Traveling for me has taken a rest until November and I admit, it's been nice to be grounded for a bit before my next couple of big trips. My sister is getting married in only three short weeks, so I have been keeping busy trying to organize her bachelorette party and find shoes and jewelry to wear for her big day. I know my worries of finding the right shoes seem trivial compared to all the details she gets to work on. ha! :)

I'm doing my first 5K Run this weekend with my sister. One of our high school teachers passed away from cancer a couple of years ago, so we are participating with a team in her honor. I am looking forward to it. Then, the next two weekends will be full of wedding festivities for my sister. And you better believe I'm going to squeeze in some time to go to the fair. My list of fair food I want to consume always exhausts the number of days I have available to go and eat.

One of my most favorite times of the year starts this week: FALL TV!! I am so excited about the new seasons of some of my favorite shows. Mike and I spent a couple of evenings re-watching the Heroes Season 2 DVDs so we could get a refresher before the premiere airs next week. Really pumped about my fall TV lineup, but a little bummed that Lost doesn't start back up until January.

Mike finished another level of ministry with the Assemblies of God, so as of October 25th he will be a licensed minister instead of just a certified minister. :) I'm really proud of him for completing another year's worth of classes. I am anxious to see what doors the Lord will open for us in music ministry now that he has his license. He is so ready to be doing music full time, and to be honest I am ready for him to be doing music full time too.

We are planning to put our house on the market next spring and move into something a little bigger. We always said that we wanted to move after 5 years, and come December we will have been paying on the house for 5 years. We have a lot of work to do in the coming months to get our house ready. We started doing some of the smaller things over the summer and will work to have everything ready come February/March. It would be wonderful to do a buy/sell simultaneously. ;) I know the odds for that are not great, but we have favor, so I am not worried about it. When the time is right, I know everything will fall into place. I'm so ready to move now it's driving me crazy!! Ha ha

November and December are always busy with the holidays but this year will bring a lot of travel for me: two weeks in Las Vegas for work and an additional week in New York for vacation the first week of December. Can't wait.

I know it's not good to wish my life away, but keeping myself busy gives me extra motivation to look forward to the different activities I have planned in the coming months.

Busy, busy, busy!

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

100,000 T-shirts

My friend Jerrod Murr is a cool guy. And Jerrod Murr has cool ideas. This weekend he and his wife came over and I learned just how cool my friend Jerrod Murr really is. Recently he went on a mission trip to Haiti. After returning, he was inspired to raise $500,000 to build Hope Villages for the children in Haiti through the "Mission of Hope Haiti" organization. How does he plan to do this? By selling 100,000 t-shirts of course!

After listening to him talk about how the vision came about and how he has already sold hundreds of t-shirts through events that our church organization hosts, I feel compelled to help him out any way I can. He brings a message of unity and a vision to believe in a better way...and YOU can help be a part of that. Each shirt has its own unique number on the back and is only $15. To help support his goal, be the next person to buy a t-shirt!