When I was younger, coloring used to be one of my favorite things to do. My sister and I would take huge plastic boxes filled with crayons on all of our long family road trips, and I remember how we loved to doodle on the outside (and inside) of the crayon box. We would write words on there that were inside jokes between the two of us. Then we start saying the words under our breath in the car and start giggling like little school girls.
Imagine my surprise and my delight when my sister sent me an email this week of two pictures that she'd taken to show me what my niece had discovered while playing in the nursery at my dad's church:

I'm not real sure what I'm more surprised about...the fact that she found these after so many years...or that I wrote in my own handwriting that I was a bad girl. It does make me wonder what the heck I did that was so bad I felt the need to document it in writing.
I too was surprised that your coloring box was here, but I could not stop laughing when I actually read what you wrote! That was awesome!
"Doot! Doot! Doot!"
"Girls, don't say that one more time!"
then again whispered quietly, "doot"
Precious! Crayons rule. My niece was over at our house last night and colored pictures for all of us of rainbows, princesses and sunshine.
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