Friday, April 04, 2008


People are afraid of cops. It's in their nature. They can't help it. You are driving down the road minding your own business and you see a cop...your immediate reaction is to press on the break. Even if you aren't speeding.

Unlucky for me, there's a cop in my town that seems to have the same arrival time to work as me because I always seem to follow him into Tulsa when I'm running late. The police precinct is about 5 minutes from my job, so for practically the entire 30 minute drive to work I follow him.

Here's what I find annoying: If I'm running late, the last thing I want is to follow a group of cars going 10 miles UNDER the limit because there is a cop in front of them and they are scared to pass him. There is no written law that you can't pass a cop if you are not speeding. So instead of herding like cattle in all lanes BEHIND the cop, please go the speed limit and pass him!! He can't write you a ticket for going the limit. Seriously people. Get out of my way so I can get to work on time.

Thank you. That is all.

1 comment:

doug said...

AMEN sista

I have passed several cops, even when i am doing 5 over. Most cops don't want to spend the time on paperwork for a 5 over tickets. hehe