Wednesday, February 20, 2008


I have totally been a blogging slacker lately. I know this. And it really frustrates me because I really haven't had any good blogging material lately.

I sat down twice to blog about the recent battle I had with all this sickness floating around, and it only annoyed me, so I deleted the blog...both times.

Then there's my birthday, which I celebrated for a week long and enjoyed every minute of it. But by the time I got around to blogging about it, it was yesterday's news and of interest to no one but myself.

So then I started cruising the internet trying to find something entertaining or interesting to post, but Britney Spears has taken over all things internet and well, to be honest, I just need a Britney Spears break.

So, here I am with a major blogger's block...with absolutely nothing of value or interest to say...just saying that I'm still alive and I'm still here waiting on something entertaining to happen in my life so the world can be normal again. The only thing that really keeps me motivated is the fact that my blogging subscribers have been somewhat quiet lately too, so perhaps it's not just me. Perhaps there's a whole world of bloggers out there with blogger's block who can empathize with me. Sigh. This is boring. I need some entertainment again.


Anonymous said...

I think we're all slammed at work. Post-holidays. Thank goodness for President's Day, I might not have made it to Wednesday!

Happy Birthday!

Sweet Yet Sassy said...

uhm...yeah.... about this blog...
