Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Say "no" to Negativity

Sunday morning our Pastor preached about complaining and negativity, and how it is one of the things that God despises. At the conclusion of his message, he challenged the congregation to make a commitment to go one week without speaking anything negative, no complaining, no sarcasm, etc. He gave us all a form to sign and date it and if we failed to make it the full week, he challenged us to resign and date it and restart our week of no negativity.

Now, I knew this would be a challenge, considering we like to gossip at lunch and when we do crop nights at the scrapbook store (which we happen to be doing this Friday night). BUT, I accepted the challenge and signed my life away.

I made it until Monday at lunch when a woman walked into Subway with some funky pantyhose on that I just couldn't pass up making fun of her for. Oops. So when I blew it, I told my sister (who was eating lunch with me) that I might as well say all the negative things I had to say before resigning....But I couldn't think of any. Sigh.

So, I have decided I may need to take a vow of silence for a week until I succeed. Either that, or walk around with my eyes closed and ear plugs in my ears.

What?? I just can't help it. Some people just need to be made fun of.


Sweet Yet Sassy said...

Hear ye! Hear ye! I agree!

The pantyhose were hideous!
(Crap! I have to take that same pair back so you won't make fun of me!) ;)


doug said...

NO SARCASM?? I couldn't sign that.