Tuesday, May 15, 2007

So far in Turkey I...

rode a Yacht on the Mediterranean Sea.
haven't gotten a good night's rest yet.
learned how to say "Please pick up my empty tray" in Turkish.
washed my face each night sans wash cloth...only a hand towel.
have breathed in enough cigarette smoke to warrant X-Raying my lungs for spots.
laugh a little on the inside every time they bring me a Coca Cola with no ice and a slice of lemon.
have taken lots of wonderful pictures.
have eaten some interesting food.
watched a lot of Turkish TV.
discovered that the birds here are a lot nicer than the ones in Tulsa, America.
unwillingly saw some guys catching rays in speedos.
tried Turkish Delight.

And I still have 5 days left! Woo hoo!!


Anonymous said...

Pictures, please :)

April said...

how is turkish delight? i tried making it once and it did not turn out so well.