Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Oakland vs. Orlando

Mike and I went to Mazzio's last night for the buffet. We sat near the TV and the Oakland vs ORU game was on ESPN. As we were eating our pizza, three little boys about the age of 9 or 10 came over to reserve two tables for their families. They had just come from their own basketball game, and were still in uniform.

They were so delighted to see that a basketball game was on TV. This was the conversation Mike and I witnessed. We couldn't help but chuckle as we eavesdropped.

Boy 1: Look a ball game is on TV!
Boy 2: Cool! I wonder who is playing.
Boy 3: You two hold our tables and I'll get closer to see.
(Boy 3 walks closer to the TV and squints.)
Boy 3: Looks like Oakland and Orlando.
Boy 2: Are you sure? Because from over here it looks like Oral Rob.
Boy 3: I know, it's the Orlando Robbins.
(All 3 boys stare at the TV puzzled.)
Boy 1: I don't think it's the Orlando Robbins. The white jerserys say "ORU."
Boy 3: Exactly. Orlando Robbins University.
Boy 1: Nuh uh. It's Oral Roberts University.
Boy 3: Oh. So the white jerseys are ORU.

Personally, I am going to start calling them the Orlando Robbins, because that sounds so much more fun. :)


doug said...

You forgot to add, it was for the Mid-Con title. Which they won and are now the back to back champions and going to the dance.

doug said...

I forgot to mention the women of ORU won the Mid-Con title. Sorry to all the women for forgetting about them.

Sweet Yet Sassy said...

Poor boys! That is hilarious. L'il guy wasn't so smart after all!