Monday, July 31, 2006

Good-bye Old Friend

I'm taking my Cavalier to the auction Tuesday. After three years of semi-faithful service to me, it has run it's final course with me. Poor thing-I just can't afford to keep fixing things that go wrong with it. I wanted a Cavalier for many years, and now I have had one. It's time to move on to something else...something that isn't a decade old.

As Mike was detailing the Cavalier this weekend, I started thinking about the past three years that I have had it. It's really been a good car to me most of the time. I guess I can't blame it for user error, such as the two times it ran out of gas.

So today I am wishing my old car farewell...may it find a home far better than mine. Maybe it will beat me to Mexico.


doug said...

I have a Dodge ram you can buy, runs great. :-)

Amy said...


But thanks. :)