Friday, June 30, 2006

I Hate Charlie

There's nothing like being in a dead sleep when suddenly you are blasted awake with a tremendous cramping in the back of your know the one: a Charlie horse. I was sound asleep dreaming peacefully about fields of flowers and kittens and special treats, when all of a sudden I'm jerked awake with a horrific cramp in my calf. It startled me so much, that my body physically went into convulsions and I accidentally knocked poor Simon off the bed. :(

I hate Charlie. And his dang horse.


doug said...

I know how you feel. I got them every night after i umpired behind the plate. Have had one, once a week since season ended. But this week i am charlie free. But there is still tonight :-(

doug said...

Just my luck he showed up Friday morning to wake me up! :-(

Amy said...

Doug-Man, that sucks! I totally empathize!! :(

doug said...

Finally one week free of the dang cramp!!!!!!!!!!