Friday, June 23, 2006


I was minding my own business yesterday as I was driving home from work...pulled up to the signal light to turn left. Was watching the light waiting for it to turn green, then BAM! I sat there a minute then thought to myself, "Um, I think someone just rear-ended me."

I looked behind me and sure enough, the car behind me was backing up. I got out of my car and the old lady (I'm not exaggerating when I say old lady either) in the front seat was rolling down her window.

Me: Are you okay?
Her: Yeah, stupid me. My purse fell in the floor and I reached down to pick it up.
Me: (while inspecting the back of my car) Well, I'm okay and my car is fine, so I think we're okay.
Her: Yeah. Okay.

No apology. Nothing.

As I got back in my car and drove away I thought to myself, what just happened there?! I better not be super sore tomorrow. That would really suck.

But today is tomorrow and I still feel fine-thank God. That could have been really bad.

From now on, she better just let the stinking purse stay in the floor instead of trying to reach down and pick it up while driving. Maybe Mike was right-all people over 60 need to retake their driver's test.

Good grief.


doug said...

SPA what is that? Glad you are ok. You will reep what you sow, just remember that. You might be the cause of an accident and get told not to worry about it and go your marry way.

Amy said...

Doug-You are so right about that. Thank you for reminding me of that. :)

Anonymous said...

True, but you could have at least got an "I'm sorry" or rude of her. Glad you are okay.

Life is better blonde said...

Glad you're ok! But I deff agree with you, old people need to be tested yearly after like 65, they are some of the worst drivers!! said...

Glad you're ok.

ps...the blonde is back - I lost my connection to you when she bailed.

so I guess I'm back too...